Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shopping with Mom aka Shop till you drop

Grocery Shopping is one of my worst things to do lol!  With a 3& 7 year old it can be quite challenging.. From fighting over who sits where, who walks, what to get i find it very draining, but we do it all the time and there are times of peace when you snap a picture on you cell phone, to preserve that memory of a "Good Day" Shopping... Enjoy


  1. I love this lo and these paper piecings! I started thinking about how I could use them as soon as I saw them. Think I should stalk my hubby when he is shopping and take pics? Oh how I remember the days of shopping with 3 kids under 4 yrs old:-)

  2. LOL!! I do have plenty of cell phone pictures of my girls in the grocery store, gotta love those phones!! When i first cut out the pieces and seen them i was like oh boy, but it pieced together so quickly it was unreal! I love this pattern :) And sneaking a camera in the store sounds like a good idea!!! I am ready for my daughter to be a bit older though she still is a handful in the store, i guess she gets bored lol!

  3. Love your shopping design. I can only imagine the shopping experiences you have.
    I live in a small town in Pa too wish we were close I could use a ton of tips. Thanks for all your hard work.

  4. With girls shopping is always an adventure. Love the new TBD promotion. Chris Copeland

  5. Thank you so much for the great giveaway! ~Karen Jepson

  6. I LOVE your stuff. You take such care with each one. ;)Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!
